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Check in Daily

Consistency is essential!

Check in daily with your Cord group via an objective scale and a short, timed video message. Cord members will view your video and keep you accountable daily!


Check in Mutually

Its Not Just You!

Once you download the Cord App it’s time to build your Cord! Invite two other friends to complete your community and continue the fight together!

Don't know anyone ready to sign-up? No problem! Choose instead to let us match you up with other members looking for a partner, and if you approve, they can be added to your Cord.

Check in Proactively

Don't just confess, DO something about it!


Progress is the focus and this demands action. When a compromise occurs, you will be encouraged to create an action step to be sure it doesn't happen again. Communicate mistakes  to your Cord and let them help you learn from them. As you proactively check in day-to-day, you will see your progress on a graph and even be able to compete against last months averages! 

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